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Writer's pictureNSASA Press


By Grace Omolola

We are approaching another year for students nationwide, especially UI students to scream “Academic Comeback” but let’s be honest, it has been almost very unfruitful. “Academic comeback, Academic comeback,” every eke market day. Are you not tired of shouting without any actions to back it up? Or have we forgotten that a dog’s bite is better than its bark?


However, have you noticed how we often follow the crowd without a concrete plan? Your friends are going for TDB, you follow, only for you to spend 30 minutes gisting and the other 4 hours 30 minutes sleeping. By dawn, you dust your bum and carry your unread books home, strutting as your mates scream, “Efiko!” Ahhhh, o ma le wu o.


Well, luckily for us, this is another year to reflect on our actions. Study who you really are, and what works for you. Are you a night owl? Then, look no further. TDB is your bestie. If you cannot stand night reading, stick to mornings.


Now that we’re even on this case, who spread the fallacy that it has to be either MTN or TDB, or a round time like 5pm-6pm. Whenever or wherever you are free, take your phone and open those slides. It could be when you are waiting for your lecturer or a friend.


It doesn’t have to be glamorous or “planned”. We complain about no time but those little minutes we spend scrolling on whatsapp or insta to while away the wait, can actually amount to a massive impact on your academic comeback. Isn’t it several drops of water that make up a lagoon or how do they say it?


Before I forget again, alaye, TDB does not have to be in your faculty. If you stay in your hostels, there are good reading rooms there. You could create a personalized reading room even, from your habitat. Do whatever works for you. No one has to know you are doing TDB. Some of you just go to your faculty LLTs to be the mama mosquito’s food for her four children. Te e jeje.


This is not me condemning going to your faculty to read. I am just saying, “Do what works with and  your body.” Stay safe, stay smart. UI ma lo, Iwo lo ma ku.

And for those of us that love doing TDBs, stay tuned. There will be an article dedicated solely to you. Cheers to a year of actual academic acceleration.


Remember, it’s only empty barrels that make noise. Walk the walk as you talk the talk. Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions. You don’t even have a choice se.

Blows powder




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