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An Interview of Mr Gbeke aspiring for the position of the Social Director by Daniel Anthony- Glory

Meet Mr. Gbeke Okunola aspirant for the office of the Social Director.

Press: Good Evening, Mr.Gbeke. I am Glory from NSASA press and we we would like to ask you a few questions about your declared ambition in the forthcoming NSASA elections. Please introduce yourself

Mr. Gbeke Okunola: I am Okunlola Gbekeloluwa Chinedum, a 200 level student of Sociology.

Press: What would you describe as your philosophy in Life?

Mr. Gbeke Okunola: Well I won't say I am someone who solely believes in one philosophy in life. I have multiple philosophies actually but my most important ones are: you are what you make yourself to be, who are you with external support?, you are the author of your life.

Press: What do you love about NSASA and being an NSASAITE?

Mr. Gbeke Okunola: I love the people, I love the fact that I can relate with practically every NSASAite I come across and I love the freedom being an NSASAite gives me.

Press: Kindly Enlighten us on the posts you've held in the past and the committees you've worked with

Mr. Gbeke Okunola: Outside the university, I am currently the Business Manager of Sea Publishers Nig. Limited, a book publishing company here in Ibadan, before now I was the marketing manager and production manager of this same company. In the university community; I am currently the National D-parrot ( Deputy Public Relations Officer) of the Kegites Club of Nigeria, University of Ibadan to mention a few.

I am currently a member of both FATSSSA and NSASA Social Committees at the moment.

Press: Why did you decide to run for the office of the social director? What are your aspirations and motivation?

Mr. Gbeke Okunola: My main intention for running for the office of the Social Director is to serve NSASAites in the way I know best. I have had the opportunity to work closely with the Social directors of NSASA and most especially FATSSSA and I believe I have learnt a lot, even from their mistakes and I hope to improve on them.

I aspire to bring about total inclusiveness in NSASA social events.

Press: What do you have to offer the association?

Mr. Gbeke Okunola: I hope to improve on the existing innovations and add a few new ones to them.

Press: Kindly mention one of such Innovations

Mr. Gbeke Okunola:One of my innovations would be what I call *"The Ultimate Cuisiner"*

This is a cooking competition that will have participants that cut across all levels in the Department and gender. i.e both male and female will be eligible for this competition.

Press: How does it feel being without opposition till this moment at least? What do you believe are the odds of winning?

Mr. Gbeke Okunola: I won't deny that I feel good about that. I love competition a lot because I believe so much in my capabilities, but not having anyone come up against you in an election says alot about who you are.

About my odds of winning, being unopposed doesn't mean you have won, I just hope to get all the needed support from NSASAites.

Press: How do you intend to solve low turnouts of NSASAITES to events?

Mr. Gbeke Okunola: One thing I have learnt in all my social activities in UI is that once you give people more than enough good reasons to turn up for an event and with enough strategic publicity, you will be surprised by how much people will flood it. I will be working hand in hand with class reps of all levels and likewise the PRO of NSASA and other departments for publicity of our events, telling the audience what makes the event different from the normal UI events and once one event is a huge success and everyone keeps talking about it, it paves way for future events.

Press: What is your plan towards financing events or would you be relying solely on the purse of the Association?

Mr. Gbeke Okunola: I do not intend to solely rely on the Association for funding, I will be working with lots of student brands and student clubs for sponsorship. Also, I will create a sub committee from the social committee that will be solely in charge of sponsorship.

Press: Rate the current administration. What do you hope to correct, do better or emulate?

Mr. Gbeke Okunola: Rating is quite difficult because you can never know the hindrances and limitations faced by the current administration in the process of trying to carry out their duties but nevertheless I will tell you they have done a good job so far. I will just work on improving on the already good standard.

Press: Say a word of advice to members of the association.

Mr. Gbeke Okunola: Don't just pass through UI... Let UI pass through you. Ensure you make so much memories and lastly, always aspire to leave your footprints in the sands of time.

Press: Alright, that will be all for this interview. Thanks for your time Mr Gbeke. I really do appreciate your attention.

Mr. Gbeke Okunola: It's an honor.



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