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DAY 1 OF FATSSSA Week: FATSSSAITES Who Inspire Us and Dean for A Day Award Session Glorious Olajire

The much-awaited Dean for A Day Award and FATSSSAITES who inspire us program was held on Monday, 8th of May 2023 at the Faculty of The Social Sciences, Large Lecture Theatre.

The event was to celebrate FATSSSAITES who have shown an exceptionable disposition in chosen categories and reached a level that inspired other members of the association.

The program which started at 11:10, was moderated by Adebayo Abdulrahman and Oluwasiberu Mokanjiola. This event also included two-panel sessions with both anchored by the moderators.

The first panel session included Mallam K. Fatai Sanni the awardee for the Academics

Category, Shallom Akpokodje for Entrepreneurship, Oluwarotimi Jesujoba Taiwo for Entertainment and Beatrice Mokwunye for Social impact.

F.K Sanni in response to a question on how he was able to this academic feat responded:” I cannot ignore the place of the almighty God. I have also learnt to see other human beings as just human beings that can be beaten to the game. He also encouraged the audience in the pursuit of excellence. “To excel, you either do the same things others do, differently or an altogether different thing. If Ronaldo and Messi were to be in the academia, one would achieve a first class through talent and the other through hard work. Talent is not the only way to success.” He sated on how he overcame challenges in his academics:” Discipline. I sit in front in class, so that I do not go to any lecturer begging. I want my worth to beg for me. The challenges are multidimensional, but you have to keep them at bay in order to stay afloat.”

He continued in response to what motivates him: “I have a competitive spirit. Anything taught in a day, must be understood on that day! If you come as a teacher and think you gave a surprise test, I would not be surprised.”

Beatrice Mokwunye speaking on how she channels her understanding of underlying issues to her cause, answered “I wanted to be a doctor, I wanted to be there for people. I hate seeing others in pain. A traumatic experience between 2015 and 2016 that made me want to commit suicide made me realise that a lot of people were experiencing the same thing in Nigeria and that if I did not act, people would still continue to experience these things. So, I channeled this into psychology in medicine”

Oluwarotimi Taiwo speaking on how his personal experiences shaped his creativity

“I lived among people who played various instruments. I realized that to make it in entertainment, you had to be unique. I started with rap but, my mum who was an evangelist, was against it. My musical orientation today is as a result of the people I grew up with and my friends.”

He also expressed how he connects with his audience” As an entertainer, you need to carry your audience along. You have to be happy doing what you are doing and pass what you are feeling to your audience.”

Shallom Akpokodje speaking on his journey in business for the last one year, expressed:

The past 1 year, has been exciting for me. The strike showed me that there was more to life than school. To run a success business, you need vision and skill. Vision: where do you want to be? Skill: how do you need to do it? I went into crisp without learning how to sow. I realized a lot of entrepreneurs step out in courage even though they may not be the best in their field. The business must have the ability to make money when the CEO is not there. Having a business should not limit your academic prowess. School is not a scam. Time management was also an important part in managing school and business.”

The second panel session included Adoko Idoyi the awardee for leadership, Zainab Oluotanmi for Politics and Oluwakayode Ijimakinwa for Sport and Dean for a day.

Zainab Oluotanmi, the vice president of the Student Union addressed the challenges she faced in meeting expectations and balancing her responsibilities. She was asked about the absence of female Student Union Presidents at the University of Ibadan in the last 75 years. She suggested that the environment is patriarchal and that many men wouldn't vote for a female president, while people may not be ready for a female president.

Adoko Idoyi also explained that he makes informed decisions when there are many options to choose from, by seeking consultation from people who have nothing to gain from the process. He also talked about balancing his various offices and academic pursuits by using a morning routine where he reviews the previous day and plans for the day ahead.

Furthermore, Oluwakayode Ijimakinwa commented on how he achieved excellence and developed his skills in football. He shared his belief that extra-curricular activities should not be a reason to not excel in academics, and that he put a lot of time and energy into football.

The event had a wide range of attendees that included FATSSSAITES, members of the executive council and the legislative council, and members of the council of faculty presidents. The highlight of the event was the performances by various artists like Paul Oderinde, Oluwarotimi Taiwo and KachiFire, who delivered a spoken word presentation and giveaways. The General Secretary, Adedokun Fisayo, gave the vote of thanks.



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