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Writer's pictureNSASA Press

The Case of The Coffin Caper

There was a swarm of whispers and sideways glances in the prison yard. Prisoners congregated in little groups, the distant clang of metal doors barely audible above their whispers. Everyone sensed that something significant was about to happen.

With his back to the concrete wall, Max stared at the warden's office. The strategy was decided. This was the culmination of months of meticulous planning, coded communications, and measured risks. He glanced across the yard at Danny and gave a small nod. Now was the moment.

The alarm at the prison went off as if on cue. Guards hurried by while yelling commands. Max and Danny disappeared into the commotion, going unnoticed. Their hearts thumping in time with their strides, they moved with accustomed ease through the labyrinthine passages. The morgue was just ahead, its sterile smell a stark contrast to the rest of the prison. "You sure about this?" Danny whispered, his voice trembling slightly.

Max nodded, his jaw set with determination. "Trust me. The warden's got it all worked out."

They entered the morgue, the fluorescent lights casting an eerie glow on the stainless steel surfaces. In the center of the room stood a plain wooden coffin, unremarkable save for the freedom it promised. Max said, "Quick," and lifted the lid. The casket, upholstered with plush padding, was empty. He clambered in without thinking, his body bending to make the little space work.

Danny shakes his hands as he closes the lid. Just as he was about to finish, two guards charged in. "What are you doing here?" one barked, eyeing Danny suspiciously.

Danny stuttered, "I... I was just paying my respects. To old Joe. Heard he passed last night."

The guards exchanged glances. "Alright, but it's time to go. The body's being transported out now." Danny nodded, casting one last look at the coffin as he was escorted out. Everything was going according to plan. Hours passed. Inside the coffin, Max struggled to stay calm in the darkness. The jolts and bumps told him he was on the move. Finally, he felt the coffin being lowered. This was it.

He counted to a hundred, then pushed against the lid. It didn't budge. Panic rising, he pushed harder. Nothing. He heard muffled voices outside all of a sudden. Max stared against the glaring sunlight as the lid creaked open.

Rather than the warden's smiling countenance, he perceived Danny gazing down at him, accompanied by somber-faced sentinels.

"I'm sorry, Max," Danny said, guilt weighing heavily in his voice. "There's been a change of plans." The truth struck Max like a kick to the stomach as he was being pulled out of the

casket. He had been deceived twice.

With a smug look, the warden moved forward. Max, did you really believe I would let you go free? Your escape was never the point of this. The goal was to ascertain who else was engaged." Max's thoughts whirled. He turned to face the outside and saw that

they were still within the prison. The entire transport has been a ruse.

"But... the coffin?" Max stumbled.

The warden grinned more broadly. Yes, that was authentic enough. Joe, poor guy, did really pass away last night. We simply took a short journey in his car." Max looked at the casket that was left open as the guards carried him away. He peered inside and saw the pale, lifeless face of Joe, the man he had unintentionally traveled with on his last adventure.

For Max, the irony was not lost. His preparations to flee in a dead man's coffin had been as futile as the corpse he had substituted. Max came to the realization that some fates were inevitable, regardless of how skillfully one planned, as the jail doors clanged shut behind him.



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