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“Well I consider myself a transformational leader and my ideology of leadership is build on the “impact” through creativity and integration of abilities”

Interviewer: Good evening. I'm Oluwatomisin Adegbola from NSASA Press. I have a few questions to ask you regarding your political aspiration in the upcoming NSASA election.

Mr Anthony: Okay ma.

Mr Anthony: Good evening.

Interviewer: Can you please give detailed information about yourself?

Mr Anthony: I am Ohireme Jacob Anthony, a 300l student of the department of sociology university of Ibadan.

I’m a serial entrepreneur, seasoned educator, brand strategist and lover of books, and I’m currently vying for presidency seat of my reputable department.

Interviewer: Okay.

How would you describe your leadership style and how it will positively impact the association?

Mr Anthony: Well I consider myself a transformational leader and my ideology of leadership is build on the “impact” through creativity and integration of abilities, with these qualities i believe NSASAITES will enjoy every available resources and opportunities within my reach toward the attainment of their respective and collective goals in areas not limited to academics alone…

Interviewer: Can you provide an example of a time you have demonstrated impactful leadership skills?

Mr Anthony: I can say practically that all my life has been an example of me taking on leadership roles at every point in time.

Right from primary school where I was the head prefect, to secondary school I was the health prefect, to church I was the lifestyle and Sunday school coordinator.

I have championed an association of over twenty five people seeking admission and everyone got admitted to their respective schools and course of choice.

Being a tutor and mentor to over 100 students I can say I have made a good degree of impact on younger generations and my generation too

Interviewer: Interesting.

As the president, how would you balance the needs and interests of different students and ensure their voices are heard?

Mr Anthony: Interest aggregation, articulation and actualization is a core component of my office, and it’s well spelt out in my plans if the mandate is given to me, “integration” is part of my manifesto and with my office I will ensure to create a platform that is open to feedbacks, and complaints, to help meet the pressing needs, challenges and to satisfy the interest of NSASAITES using various offices and functions.

I will be a strong, responsible and responsive intermediary between the student association and the departmental management. Through the “feedback approach”

Interviewer: In your own opinion, what are the most pressing needs or issues affecting students of the department, and how would you address them?

Mr Anthony: First, the issue of “result error and rectification” still persists even with the effort this current administration is making, I had bitter experiences back to back with my result in 100l and 200l. I believe we need a committee within the association that will be specifically into addressing students complaint about results error. This committee will collect reports from student, guide student, especially “freshers” on who, where and what to do as well as serve as an intermediary to seeing to the rectification of such result issues.

I also observed that as an association we need to be more “integrated” i believe we can leverage on integration to improve on our performance in areas of academics, business etc.

also how we celebrate our success individually and collectively… I mean sociologists are thriving within and outside of the faculty and we need to celebrate them, irrespective of their level… we need a “community where people can learn freely and build social capital from with the department” I’m not seeing much of that presently and I intend to work on it.

If we become more integrated there will be less of level oriented politics and opportunities and more of departmental growth and progress.

Interviewer: Interesting.

What strategies do you have in mind to promote collaboration and communication among different levels of the department?

Mr Anthony: There is an existing “mentor-mentee program” which we can leverage on and utilize properly if mentors and taken on free will and are also given exercise to engage their mentees, like that their will be an effective networking between mentors and mentee, although this is areas specific to the vice president, i will ensure to oversee that its effective and impactive.

Another strategy is the training program, I intend to create an in-house training program where “trainers” who volunteered will be taken from within the department and across levels… to teach/train other NSASAITES on different crafts and skill.

I believe constant and meaningful engagement within the department will promote effective collaboration and communication.

I will also ensure that my administration is “our” admission in that it will be open to all.

if we can’t have“HOD” for a day we can have “NSASA president” for a day either of the two will happen to spice things up.

Interviewer: Okay. How do you plan to advocate the interest of the department and ensure it's well represented in higher level?

Mr Anthony: As the president the interest of the department is my upmost priority, that being said the advocacy will be done by constantly advertising our members that are thriving in area, for others to see “I will call that cv” and fixing them for leadership building capacities and opportunities first, within the department to make them suitable for Highter grounds.

Also I will ensure to make commitments, alignments and mobilization of resources that will help secure and better the livelihood of NSASAITES in every niche.

Interviewer: How would you ensure transparency and accountability in the decision-making and operations of the association?

Mr Anthony: Like I said earlier this administration is “our administration” in terms of transparency, the how, the who and the what is decided on will be made public and accessible to NSASAITES.

For accountability that is a core principle of mine hence, I will ensure there is a platform known to all through which the administration can be accountable to its members and through which the members can hold the administration accountable, I will be working with the press as well as the PRO.

In terms of the decision-making I will ensure no level is left out or not evenly represented in any decision making process. Irrespective of the conditions and circumstances equal representation will be of high priority.

I am a servant-leader and as such I must listen evenly before making any decisions.

Interviewer: Finally. How do you feel about running uncontested as your supposed opponent is no longer contesting?

Mr Anthony: Up until now I never thought I won’t have an opponent, however, I feel it’s doubled the task to do much more, for the fact that I am running unopposed comes with a great deal of responsibility as I will have to prove that I do no get the presidency seat on a platter but indeed a great sense of competence was what secure it uncontested.

Interviewer: Okay. Thank you so much for your time, Mr. Anthony.

Mr Anthony: You’re welcome miss. Tomisin, it was nice being here with you.

You made this whole interview interesting I appreciate that about you.



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