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By Glory Daniel - Anthony A NEW AGS HAS EMERGED: An Interview with the AGS of Sociology department; Miss Adesewa Ikumoluyi. Pressman: Good Evening, I am Glory Daniel Anthony from NSASA press and I will like to interview you. Can you introduce yourself please? Miss Adesewa: Good evening. I am Adesewa Ikumoluyi, a 200 level student of sociology Pressman: Can you tell us why you chose UI and why you decided to study Sociology? Miss Adesewa: I chose University of Ibadan firstly because who doesn't love good things 😅... This university is well known for her excellence. I also chose UI because it's within the state I reside in, I'm not someone who loves road trips. The main reason I chose sociology was because of my inability to meet up with the score needed for law, however, as time went on, I discovered my love for sociology and I found it more interesting. Searching and knowing areas and career paths in which I can delve deep into and thrive well enough is what makes it better to me than law. Pressman: Can you tell us some of the challenges you've encountered while studying this course? Miss Adesewa: Well, I have not really encountered challenges, probably as time goes on I might be encountering some challenges because this course studies humans and the society. Studying humans might be difficult as humans are dynamic in nature. Pressman: Can you tell us 3 reasons why you love the department of Sociology? Miss Adesewa: If there's any reason I love my department it's because of the intellectuals we have, sociology is full of intellectuals. The department is also known for cooperation, we work hand-in-hand to push our ideas forward. Lastly I love the department of sociology because of what we study and how we study what we study. Pressman: What prompted you to run for the office of the AGS of the department? Miss Adesewa:The need to bridge the gap between the executives and fellow students of this association and the need to change and bring innovations, I can assure that this administration has a lot of positive changes to offer. Pressman: Kindly enlighten us on the posts you've held in the past and the committees you've worked with Miss Adesewa:I have been a leader in the religious sphere, I am currently the assistant financial secretary of my department (CHOIR) in church and I am also a trainee of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management Nigeria (CIPM)...both which have contributed to my Qualities. Pressman: Why didn't you contest for the post of the AGS before now? Miss Adesewa: I didn't contest for the post AGS because during that period there were some personal issues that kept me away from school which I saw as a limitation to me campaigning or being in the office, seeing that the office was still vacant was an opportunity to pursue my interest. Pressman: How does it feel winning against your opponent? Miss Adesewa: It was not a thing or competition as we both ran for the post for the interest of the people and the people decided. I feel honoured to be considered the right candidate. I anticipate serving people through the office which I am sure any other person could have done. Pressman: Do you know your responsibilities as the AGS of your department? Miss Adesewa: Of course I do, I am to assist the General Secretary in all his duties and I'd also be responsible for the secretariat in his absence. I am to collate an attendance list at every of our association or executive meetings. I also am automatically a member of the NSASA social committee and I am also to take up any work delegated to me by the legislative or executive Council. Pressman: Can you share with us some of the innovations you have for the association? Miss Adesewa: Seeing that there's a need for feedbacks and passing of comments on new development or old ones in every organisation, I am bringing up an anonymous suggestion platform that will enable NSASAITES pen down their suggestions or comments for the betterment of the association and department. Pressman: Say a word of advice to the members of the association. Miss Adesewa: We should keep on being cooperative as it is going to push our association goals far above our expectations, Thank you. Pressman: Alright, that will be all for now. Thank you so much for your time. I really do appreciate. Miss Adesewa: It's an honour.



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