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Welcome NSASAites to an opportunity to hold our representative accountable for their promises. As engaged memebers of our department , it is our duty to ensure those in positions fulfill the promises they made to us . Attached to this blog post is the manifesto of our elected PRO, Mr Balogun (P.K.A LASCO), outlining his pledge and vision for our department. Let us collectively review the manifesto and assess whether he has delivered his promises.

In this review, we will take a closer look at what his manifesto entails: Effective dissemination of information, introduction of new interactive sessions, creative use of social media platforms and empowering the people. In assessing the execution of the manifesto promises, it becomes evident that while efforts were made, the outcome fell short of expectations.

From the First point Effective dissemination of information ,under scrutiny purported to ensure the dissemination of information adhered to the 7C principles. However , the reality of its execution reveals significant shortcoming.

The manifesto under review proposed the introduction of new interactive sessions such as heating interviews, an interesting symposium aimed at Forster information engagement and dialogue within the community . However the implementation of these initiatives has been limited, with only one symposium organized, titled “ IS SOCIOLOGY A WASTE OF TIME?”

Despite the limited implementation, it’s crucial to acknowledge the value of sociology. It helps us to understand the root cause of societal problems such as poverty, inequality and discrimination.

The third outlined a commitment to effectively utilize social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to enhance communication and better enhancement with the public . Upon this review, it is evident that significant effort has been made to fulfill this pledge with active use of social media platforms.

The fourth outline :Despite the manifesto’s emphasis on empowering the people through various initiatives, the implementation effort fell short especially in the area of providing digital skills to NSASAites. However the absence of the professional digital marketer has hindered the realization of this goal, leaving NSASAites without access to essential training and resources.

Lastly, Mr. Balogun personally signed an undertaking on the press night last session promising to find a magazine for NSASAites with the documents attached; the execution of this pledge has encountered delays . . In response to inquiry , the explanation provided was that the undertaking will be fulfilled at the end of the semester, along with an inclusion of event pictures in the magazine.

By reviewing the manifestos of our student leader and assessing his performance , we contribute to fostering accountability and transparency within our university community . Together let’s ensure that our student representatives are working diligently to enhance our university experience.



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