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Writer's pictureNSASA Press


Pressman: Good morning, my name is Mayokun from NSASA PRESS and I would love to interview you.

Can you please introduce yourself to us?

Treasurer: Hi, I am Ifeoluwa Grace Obasa. A student of the department of Sociology, University of Ibadan, 400l.

I am the treasurer of the Department.

Pressman: How has your experience been so far being a student of the department?

Treasurer: I will say it has been a mixture of so many things but so far it has been great.

Pressman: Was Sociology your first choice or you were given?

Treasurer: It was my first choice

Pressman: What piqued your interest into contesting for the post of the treasurer?

Treasurer: I have always had an interest in serving humanity 😂 and I saw being in the position of a treasurer as an opportunity to do what I have always loved to do for the department before graduating.

Pressman: Then why didn't run for the post during the general elections?

Treasurer: Then, I wanted to run initially but I was enrolled in a mentorship program and it was advised that I finish the session before vying for anything political.

Pressman: Okay.

So, what has been your experience so far as the treasurer of the department? And how have you been combining it with your academics? A we all know, final year is draining

Treasurer: It is not really draining. I still expect more to come.

However, I've set a schedule, time for "the treasurer" and the time for me as a student and many other things I am

I see God helping me strike a healthy balance anyways.

Pressman: What do you do when you don't have to be student or the treasurer of the department?

Treasurer: I am a perfume oil vendor and a tech sis😌 (I've learned and I am still learning) I am also a creative writer.

Pressman: What is your brand's name?

Treasurer: Zoefragrance

Pressman: What do you have to say to NSASAites about the payment of dues?

Treasurer: The payment of due is very necessary. Asides from making you a bonafide member of the department, we all must pay for the growth and well-being of the department.

Pressman: What is the mode of payment for the dues and the process NSASAites need to go through?

Treasurer: Nsasaites can make payment to the account details already in circulation by the Excos and then meet with me or the Financial secretary with their proof of payment.

Pressman: Do you have any parting words or advice to give to your fellow sociologists?

Treasurer: Be good.

Pressman: Thank you for your time ma.

Treasurer: You're welcome ma



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