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It is not something new to an ordinary student of the University of Ibadan that this semester is full of activities (academically, socially, politically and economically) so to say. And to the activities, they create news in one way or the other whereby giving students an insightful knowledge on how things are run in the University. Because, ordinarily, an event happening is a news itself. This time, we will be discussing the news around UI to give students whom in one way or the other have not engaged or heard about some of the activities going on, on campus.

Recently, a couple of celebrities came to the campus to showcase themselves, vibe and also help upcoming Artiste who are students to showcase theirs too. Example is the coming of C Kay, Mr. Macaroni, Brain jotter and so on.

Also, the S.U.( Students’ Union) of the school started her variety weeks in collaboration with different sponsors, sponsoring each day of the variety week. Like the Rally, Trade fair, Cooking competition and so other things. It’s been nice all the way and at present, the Trade fair is very much active, since Monday and which will end on Friday. Trade fair Is just all about buying and selling at more discounted prices which will be suitable for the students. We look forward to getting more amazing variety days from the S.U.

In addition, the sports competition has gone a long way to making the University, known as the first and best to continue to reflect this in the competition.

To chip in, The Faculty of The Social Sciences also, has organized her variety week in collaboration with the anniversary of the Faculty, tagged “FATSSA @ 60 which will start next (May8), opening it with Award presentation at the faculty Large Lecture Theater.

To cap it up, the political activities in the University has gone a long way and to some extent, some candidates already know their grounds and giving it a better stand, the press night, which is yet to be announced will allow the candidates to tell their intentions to other students.

Janet Ebiniyi.

Sociology press, ©2023.



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