Bound to the invisible chains weighing me down
I tug helplessly like a zombie, looking back and forth
Torn between being the perfect version of the “her” in their heads
Or maybe the real “her” deep down that I maybe haven’t even realised
Like a china doll with a smile plasted on her face, I wave like the illusion
Of perfection I seemingly symbolize
My voice barely more than whispers, never heard I am
Smiling even in the midst of fire, because that makes me a virtuous
I try so hard to scream but a tiny squeak comes out
I am lost between a cage of the perfect daughter, mother, wife
What about me?
Aren’t I something without being attached as someone’s
I thought so hard as I looked into the mirror
If only I could speak louder and more often
I looked at the crinkles at my eyes as I smiled
A shadow of myself, I was
When would my reflection show, who I really was?
I said ‘NO!’for the first time in years, I felt scared yet excited
It sounded foreign to my guts, I tried to backtrack
But I stopped for a moment. ‘NO!’ I said again, this time, firmer
Horrified, they gasped, some said it was a phase
I had been corrupted, some said, and I’d come back to my senses
Happy I was, that I found the real ‘her’, excited to share ‘her’ with friends
However, their disapproving looks made me wither
Maybe it was not a good idea, maybe…lots of maybes
I felt like I was trapped between two worlds,two bodies, two beings
I look into the mirror, again, this time in exasperation
Could I really be ‘her’?
Or was I just a blind product of the society, to follow blindly like a zombie
I guess I would never know, the risk was just too much to bear
I have slipped, back to the patterns of fear, doubt and resentment.
Rage at the girl staring back in my mirror
Doesn't she know to speak up?
Or is she awaiting a prince charming?
I carress her face, tears sliding down my cheeks
We had started the journey, 'baby steps', they said.
One illusion of genuinity and she relasped
For the umpteenth time, I rehearsed my lines
'Yes, mother, i'll obey'
The only words she wanted to hear,
The words I offered on a plate of my sweat and blood
I wish I could stand up for myself
However my bravado lies in me, mud sticking on it
Or maybe I did not have any bravado, even faux
Maybe I was born, a spawn to obey, heads bowed down, tails beneath her legs, shivering as she lets them trample over her
I saw Layla, the other day, a beautiful meek and virtuous daughter
Her praises have been sung in my ears, that I know her eulogy
The one who is far beyond roses, rare to find...or maybe not
I saw her, no! a shadow of her
Nails painted blood red like the thirsty witch, rainbow extensions that fall to her waist
Where is she, the one my mother wants me to embody?
Far gone!
Mother says she is on the path to destruction
MY head agrees in a up-down motion
But my heart yearns to taste the freedom of choosing her path and owning the consequences
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