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Writer's pictureNSASA Press


Pressman: Good morning

Mr Anthony: Good morning miss

Pressman: Can we meet you Sir?

Mr Anthony: I’m Ohireme Jacob Anthony, a 300l student of the most versatile department of sociology university of Ibadan,

Pressman: So why did you pick the University of Ibadan and Sociology as a course of study?

Mr Anthony: My choice of University of Ibadan was greatly influenced by the fact that uni.Ibadan was presented to me as the Harvard of Nigeria, and I can say it is in many ways compared to others, I mean who will want to miss the drilling and world class preparation that comes with being a university of Ibadan student?

I chose sociology specifically because I love to stay conscious of my immediate environment as a person, and I so much believe sociology will help me practice what I truly desire which is to understand the forces of human differences and similarities and etc.

Pressman: This is very impressive

Mr Anthony: Thank you miss

Pressman: You just made Sociology look stress free😹

Mr Anthony: Well I’m having fun with the process so…

Pressman: Are you single or in a relationship and Can you date someone from the department?

Mr Anthony: About my relationship status I will rather tick the unavailable box for that, and yes I can date someone in the department .I very much love the sense of it I mean I can chit chat with my partner about classes, lecturers and assignments and talk about how we understand subjects and all…looks like fun

Aside the awkward moments in class when you probably didn’t answer a question right and that class backlash but I will rather not focus on that and just do the love

Pressman: In reference to that, are you crushing on anyone in the department?

Mr Anthony: Yes I am. There is this girl I’m crushing on her CGPA lol

Pressman: Do you mind mentioning her name?

Mr Anthony: It’s her CGPA not her. I’m not into woman

Pressman: Ooooooooh I see... So you're gay?🤣🤣🤣

Mr Anthony: No I mean I just crush on her CGPA not her in person…

I’m not gay, I will never be gay I was only playing when I said I’m not into woman

“I too like woman”

Pressman: Ooooooooh okay😹.

So what has been your challenge (s) so far in the department?

Mr Anthony: I will say my result, for the last three years now I have had issues with finding my results back to back, those were the seeming iceberg that sank my titanic,

I’m hoping to not face the same predicament in this penultimate year… aside that I don’t think I have any other challenge/s so far but there might be some ahead

Pressman: I hope you get to resolve your result issues

Mr Anthony: I have to rewrite some so we move onto greater things

Pressman: Moments you cherish so far in the department?

Mr Anthony: That will be the day I lost election actually and I cherished that day simply because I saw my classmates for the first time rally around in one accord, even though I lost the election with very close margins that didn’t stop the rave, I’m sure we celebrated more than the actual Winner that day… so that was the moment for me

Pressman: Awwwwwww... That sounds memorable

Mr Anthony: Well, it was

Pressman: Are you into any business

Mr Anthony: Yes of course

Pressman: Care to introduce your brand to us?

Mr Anthony: I don’t have a brand for now but that is still in process, at the moment, I’m into

Brand management and business alignment, I am a tutor, NFT Degen etc.. But I’m bringing something more tangible and encompassing to Oyo state…you can just look out for that

Pressman: Stop playinggggg! Definitely looking forward to that.

Mr Anthony: Thank you dear

Pressman: You have a favourite lecturer?

Mr Anthony: Yes I do .

Prof. Nwokocha, I love his simplicity and discipline, and Dr Adegoke I love her motherly care some of us needs that I’m glad she fill in that gap in a way.

Pressman: Awwwwwww😍

A quote you hold on to?

Mr Anthony: Yeah a quote by a philosopher whose wisdom amazed me “Aristotle”

He said and I quote “Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”

Pressman: A word of advice to fellow sociologist?

Mr Anthony: You can do so much more with a degree in sociology, it’s a practical discipline with endless opportunities, it’s self limiting to think sociology is not worth the time and attention.

Pressman: That sounds like a reassurance even to me😹.

Thank you so much for your time Mr Anthony

Mr Anthony: Thank you too miss.



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