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Using both virtual and in-person scheduled meetings, a program organized by the FATSSSA Educational Development Committee (EDC), focused on winning scholarships, took place over the course of two days, the 2nd and 3rd of November, 2023. Dr. Deborah Ayodele-Olajire, Mr. Clement Elam, Mr. Ayo Elesho, Mr. Iyiola Abosede, Mr. Michael Akinkumi, and Mr. Muhammad were the six distinguished guests invited to present informative sessions regarding the procedures for effectively submitting applications for both domestic and foreign scholarships. The session on the 2nd of November utilized Zoom, a virtual communication technology, to conduct the session, while room 036 of the University of Ibadan's faculty of social sciences was the location of the in-person meeting on November 3rd.

All six speakers, whom are all scholarship winners themselves, three of whom have received international scholarships that have facilitated their education in prestigious universities in the United Kingdom and United State of America, delivered very informative speeches. From Mr Micheal Akinkumi’s delivery of a very informative session highlighting the importance of leadership experience, writing impactful essays, leveraging technologies and online resources, in applying for international scholarships, to Mr. Ayo Elesho’s enlightening discussion on the issue of scholarship inequalities, even at the domestic level, to Dr. Deborah Ayodele-Olajire’s emphasis on the importance of authenticity in writing essays that stand out while applying for scholarships. During the in-person session, PowerPoint presentation was utilized to better educate the audience, a microphone was also used to ensure that everyone in the audience could hear the information being passed across to them by the speakers.

While some audience members expressed dissatisfaction with the program's lengthy runtime, citing a speaker in particular as having been "spreading," the majority of attendees thought the length was appropriate. The general consensus were statements that acknowledged the program in its entirety, to have been beneficial and impactful. There were comments about it being a successful opportunity to “Learn, acquire skills and network”, learning to “be intentional and pay attention to details” when applying for scholarships. Although the number or attendees might have been average in comparison to the turnouts for other FATSSSA organized entertainment events, the program was without a doubt no less impactful.



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